Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Smarty Pants

Brady has shown us how smart he is recently and I thought I would share some videos with you. Here are a few things he can do.

- He can say his ABC's, and is quite good at it. Sometimes he likes to sing them super fast.
- He can identify most of his letters. If you give him a choice of 2 letters and tell him to point to one, and then the other he gets it every time. Asking him what a letter is, and then he has to think of it out of thin air is much harder for him.
- He can count to 15, sometimes he can go higher.
- He can identify most numbers
- He knows all of his colors
- He knows most shapes, but all basic shapes
- He knows all animals, and thier noises. He even corrected his Nana the other day when she said something was a bird, he said, "No, that's a parrot."

We are so proud of our smart little boy. He does many things to impress us each day. One is his ability to climb anything, even the highest park rope ladder. Another is the fact that he can legitimately beat me at the memory card games. I am convinced that you lose your short term memory as you age, or maybe while you are pregnant. He always remembers where the cards are when I have long forgotten. Also, Brady does lessons on how to use your ipad if needed. Seriously, he can work Jeremy's ipad better than I can!

In this first video Brady puts on quite a show, but gets a little shy toward the end.

Brady's ABC's from Melissa Yeats on Vimeo.
In the second video Brady is getting tired of performing, and a bit ornery.

Brady's ABC's 2 from Melissa Yeats on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. super cute. He's so smart! I can't wait to see you guys. Love, Mom
