Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Potty Training

Potty Training is what we are doing this week. What fun! It is our second real try. We tried about a month ago, but we were unsuccessful. I would love to wait even longer, until I thought Brady was truly ready, but we are running out of time. The way I see it, we have 3 months now, or 3 months later.

Three months until the baby is born, and right now I can fully concentrate on Brady and his potty training. Even if he regresses, which I have heard happens when a baby enters the house, we will still have another three months before preschool starts. He is not fully ready, and it may take more time, but he is progressing and that is pretty encouraging.
This is what our bathroom looks like right now. Books, clean undies, and several potty choices.
Three months after the baby is born, potty training will be so much harder with a newborn also in the mix. He has to be potty trained by September or else he can not go to preschool, which he is already registered for, and I would feel terrible if that happened. Three months to potty train, with all of the life changes going on in our family, is just too much stress. Not to mention the time and expense of having two kids in diapers. 

So we are going to stick with it. Not sure why he isn't as on board as we are. He has awesome big boy underwear. 
 And super cool prizes for staying dry all day.
I just could not crop this picture, see that big belly at the bottom? Baby is growing so big, and will be here so soon!  
I hope to have amazing news next week, that we are all potty trained. It could take much longer, but I am not giving up so easily this time. No more going back to pull ups as diapers. We are on the road to being a big boy, and we are not stopping til we get there! Wish us luck!

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