Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bubbles and Art

Over a month ago we were playing, and having fun and I decided to snap some pictures. Some days you just have to let go of control, and let your kids have fun making a mess. (Some days, not all, or I would go crazy!) I feel like too much of the time I am too busy to even play with Brady. Once I make time for it, I love it, and I am always so proud of what an amazing kid he is.

This day we played with paint, and Brady wanted a paint mustache. No idea where he got that from, but I was cool with it.

We also played with Gymboree bubbles. They are the absolute best bubbles. While Brady was in soccer they would land on the turf field and not pop.

It was a fun afternoon, and I know I will miss days like that when they get older. Cherishing it as long as I can.

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