I was kind of late getting ready and finishing packing. So when Jeremy picked us up to take us to the airport, we had to hurry out the door, and I did not get a chance to weigh our bag. So of course, once we get to the airport, my bags weighs 61 pounds! I had no extra bags, so instead of paying $25 we had to pay $75! Bummer! That will not be happening for the flight home.
Then we had to say a super quick goodbye to Jeremy and hurry though security. :(
Brady had a meltdown because he thought that the TSA people were taking his new Elmo backpack and shoes. I had to drag him though security, with three bags and a stroller. Finally we get our stuff , and I start to hear my name over the speakers. I did not even wait to listen I just ran. Colorado springs is a very small airport and normally the same flights are always out of the same gates. Unfortunately this day, the Houston flight that used to be in gate 1 is now in gate 10. So I had to run with a shoeless Brady, and stroller, and three bags across the airport!
We finally made it, but we were the last ones on the plane.
The first few minutes of the flight were good. Brady was yelling "airplane" but it was fun, and he enjoyed it.
Then we were able to watch an Elmo movie, have snacks and a drink, and that really worked well for a while.
Toward the end of the flight, Brady's ears hurt him, and he started his screaming. Sadly, it did not stop until the end of the flight. Sooo embarrassing! Thankfully I no longer care what people think of me of my child, so we quickly got over it. But it was not fun.
I guess we will see how the trip home is. I hope he will sleep, I think I will give him Tylenol for his ears.
Otherwise we are having a great time, visiting family and friends. We will share all our activities soon.
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